Men And Their Body Insecurities

Men And Their Body Insecurities

I notice more and more that people find it weird and wacky whenever men admit that they have body issues as well. With women, this already is a public domain for a longer time: body positivity, body awareness, the fight against photoshopped fashion dolls in the media....

LoveRelationShit Unplugged: A Day in November

Do you ever wonder what a day in our lives looks like? Well – this is pretty much it… in a shorter version, as we forgot to turn on the camera on several occasions. We’re learning here 😌 Let us know what you think and if you like to see more of this...
Trip To Berlin For Our First TV Appearance

Trip To Berlin For Our First TV Appearance

A few weeks ago we got an invitation from the German TV show “Leichter Leben” to talk about our LoveStory and LoveRelationShit. Before we left, we headed to the next media store and bought a brand new camera so that we could take you guys with us on our...