a two-Month Men’s Program

to explore how to live and love from

your Head, Heart, and Balls.

After 5 fully booked and extremely successful rounds,

we’ll open the door again in:

Early 2025

Calls Monday and Friday, 7 PM CE(S)T (1 pm ET, 10 am PT)

Message Me If You Want To Get On The Waiting List for 2025!

This link brings you to my Facebook Messenger inbox. Please write me shortly why you want to join Trinitas.

You can also send an email to bas@thelovealchemists.com

Alpha man, Sigma man, Omega man, Beta man, Epsilon man.

Who fking cares??!

Give me the men who know their shadows, learned how to dance with them, and can stand their ground. Give me the men who know how to live life from their heads, hearts, AND balls. Give me the men who are entirely devoted to the women in their lives because they know how to show up for their inner feminine.

Many men have lost connection with their masculinity completely.

And I literally mean THEIR masculinity.

They have subscribed to a particular way that doesn’t feel authentic.

They have taken on the role of the nice guy to avoid conflict or the stoic man to create a safety that isn’t real or trustworthy.

In Trinitas we are going to let go of the confined, restricted ideas around performative masculinity and explore what makes YOU feel like a man.

It’s time to reconnect to our personal masculine core again, get in touch with our essence, and start to live boldly from that sacred place within. And there is not only one way to get there. The journey will look different for each and every man.

“I am forever grateful to have joined TRINITAS!”

“To my fellow warriors and our fearless guide. What a gift this is not only to us, but the worlds we travel in! Bringing that loving, big ball energy!! Wild & Free 🦅

I was journeying to reclaim and heal the masculine within myself when I came across Bas and his work.

Even though I had plenty of hesitations about spending money and time on myself and committing to something “disruptive,” I am so glad I released those ‘protectors’ and dove in – head/heart/balls first. 

My experience in this skillfully crafted, humble container was a deeper self-embodiment facilitated by exquisitely curated material–born not solely from books and training but from Bas’ personal journey of healing the masculine/feminine. (Men who have done their own work are trustworthy.)

I am forever grateful to have given my energy and space to Bas and a cohort of intrepid men. Together, we re-membered and have begun integrating the holy triad of masculinity: head/heart/balls. Together, we awakened and transformed. 

I bow to your skill and experience, Bas. And I honor the men who opened themselves up so the wisdom of the collective could be received and felt. What a gift to have this community to walk forward with.”

Austin Morrison


Let me ask you something:

– Are you done disguising yourself to fit in?

– With subscribing to a particular way, instead of living from YOUR masculine core?

– Do you feel stuck in your role as father, husband, son, friend?

– Do you want to find YOUR unique expression of how to be a man in today’s world?

– Are you ready to learn how to really dance with your shadows?

– To devote yourself to the feminine in your life?

– Are you willing and committed to showing up as a potent calibration of head, heart, and balls?

– To create strong and deep heart-to-heart connections with other like-minded brothers?

– And to open up and expose yourself in a safe container?


If this sounds like a plan?

This link brings you to my Facebook Messenger inbox. Please write me shortly why you want to join Trinitas.

You can also send an email to bas@thelovealchemists.com

“Can’t recommend Trinitas Enough!”

Doing the Trinitas program was transformational. Having done all sorts of modalities of personal development, I was absolutely humbled by the power of a group of open hearted men coming together. It was this beautiful synchronicity of helping and being helped from this new found brotherhood. Can’t recommend it enough!

Bállint Józsa

Stuntman, Australia

“TRINITAS will Change You!”

When you have the feeling that this world is missing real men, those whole men, with their hearts wide open, their brains sharpened and wise, and their balls working together with their hearts – you may want to join this program.

You will get to know your Wild Man, Lover, Warrior, King, Jester, Visionary, and Mystic and finally collect the lost parts of your being. A journey through your body and mind, heart and soul. 

A safe place to share and grow together. Memories and new friends you will never forget.

TRINITAS will change you for the better, it will help you define your masculine essence and make the best out of yourself.

Andreas Schloffer


In Trinitas we will explore:

your relationship with shame, fear, anger, rage, jealousy, guilt, sadness, happiness, love, distrust, and ecstasy.

– your imprints on (performative) masculinity.

– the power of your inner archetypes.

– your body, sensuality, and sexuality.

– your relationship with the feminine.

– your intentions and commitments.

– your personal expression of purpose, drive, and leadership.

– the immense depth of brotherhood.

– your boundaries, YESes, and NOs.

– the balance between “hard” and “soft” and the alignment of your head, heart, and balls.

your relationship with shame, fear, anger, rage, jealousy, guilt, sadness, happiness, love, distrust, and ecstasy.

– your imprints on (performative) masculinity.

– the power of your inner archetypes.

– your body, sensuality, and sexuality.

– your relationship with the feminine.

– your intentions and commitments.

– your personal expression of purpose, drive, and leadership.

– the immense depth of brotherhood.

– your boundaries, YESes, and NOs.

– the balance between “hard” and “soft” and the alignment of your head, heart, and balls.

“I cannot recommend working with Bas enough!”

“I am so grateful to have had the ability to be in TRINITAS and also work one on one with Bas in his VIP package.

I’ve struggled my entire life with how to figure out my masculine expression and to feel safe with male friends.

This group was an amazing place to do the work of deconstructing toxic patterns and building up my confidence to express my masculinity in a connected and healthy way, under the powerful guidance of Bas.

I know the tools I have now are going to be a great support for the rest of my life and I look forward to deepening the bonds of brotherhood with my fellow participants beyond the container.

The 1:1 support in the VIP was very supportive. Bas has a beautiful ability to create a safe space to express and heal.

I cannot recommend working with him enough. If you are ready to face yourself and heal in a healthy masculine container, this is a great place for it.

Thanks Bas for being who you are and bringing this beautiful gift to the world.”

Brian Hodder


How it works:

We will have 2 meetings each week – so 16 live group sessions via Zoom together
(don’t worry if you cannot join them all. There will be recordings available.)

One of the weekly meetings will be a teaching, the other will be a Q&A, sharing round, accountability circle, or group coaching (whatever wants to come forward.)

Next to that, there will be a special private Facebook group where I’ll post practices, exercises, meditations, replays, and extra material. This group is also going to be the place to share, exchange, hold space, and ask Qs. It’s our shared “home” for the duration of the program. Yessss, we will be dorm mates for 2 months.

If you are going to join, I will also send you an assessment form that you can fill out so that I can take your individual needs into account and bring it into our shared space (no guarantee that all needs can be met!)

There is also the possibility of getting extra private coaching. Just let me know what you need and we can discuss options and pricing.



 (Price doesn’t include additional taxes – where it applies.)

Payment Plans Available

This link brings you to my Facebook Messenger inbox. Please write me shortly why you want to join Trinitas.

You can also send an email to bas@thelovealchemists.com

” This Program and Bas’ Energy has deeply affected our relationship.

“My beloved just completed Trinitas and I felt inspired to write a testimonial from my heart.

This program and Bas’s energy has deeply affected our relationship.

My beloved is an amazing man that is truly committed to his own healing and was a perfect match for this program. During this experience, I have witnessed my man transform into new levels of self-leadership, confidence, and vulnerability.

He has always shown up so powerfully in our union and now his energy is even more potent and I’m able to drop even deeper into my feminine. There were intense moments of alchemy where we were so grateful to lean into Bas’s support. His energy really assisted us in coming back into connection. Having that external resourcing from a man we could both trust to have our best interests was so incredibly healing for me and I wasn’t even in the program.

As a family scapegoat, I had to work through my own fears/projections of Bas judging me when my partner and I would be in disconnection and he would lean into Bas for support. I was always relieved to hear the way Bas would offer loving reflections for both of us without an ounce of shame or judgement.

I just had to share!

This is a man you can trust to assist you and your partner in building intimacy, grounding in truth, and bringing divinity into your union. If you’re on the fence, let this be your sign.

♥️ All my love.

Mandy Jay (partner of Brian)


” This Program was the best thing I’ve ever Done!


“This has been one of the best experiences I have ever had.

In the programs I have done to this point, there was overbearing masculinity and not enough understanding of how us men need to be fluent in our own masculinity to align with the beauty of the feminine. I joined this group because I felt that in your words. Through these last couple of months, I have experienced a new outlook on making my masculinity safe. Through learning the different archetypes I have come to realize that I truly am a warrior king. That masculinity is not bad and not abusive in and of itself but is beautiful. You have given me new tools and I am forever grateful.”

Rick Diamond

Mentor, Coach, US

Dedicated Lover, Coach, Mentor, Father

Bas is a Love, Intimacy, Sexuality, Relationship and Men’s Mentor, Human Design and Gene Keys Reader, Author, and (shamanic) Healer.

The father of two is the epitome of a life-loving huMAN, who is happiest when connecting deeply with mother nature and embracing all her secrets. He is familiar with both light and shadow work.

Bas is an extraordinarily creative and natural-born leader who inspires people wherever he goes by just living, breathing, and speaking his truth with a wide open heart.

His ability to see people in their true nature is one of his greatest gifts.

He looks behind the veil and is never afraid to name his discoveries.

His big loving heart and ability to love abundantly and let everyone feel safe in his presence give his clients the ability to fully open up and show themselves – even when tough love is involved.

As a sucker for old stories and mythologies, he knows how to connect ancient wisdom with the present times and dances between the worlds like no one else.

The Dutch man lives with his family in the Netherlands and dreams the dream of living close to nature, preferably somewhere in Scotland or Ireland.


From Mr Nice-Guy To The King

“What does it mean to align one’s head, heart and balls? I knew that this was missing within—the connection between all the three. The weaving together and alchemizing a lifetime of guilt, shame, and capitulation; the feeling of being unworthy, caught in the role of the nice sweet lovable guy. Afraid of my Wild Man and Warrior.

The genius of Bas is the thoughtfulness and safe container of TRINITAS he co-created along with us. He shows the path on our journey as men to lead with our heart and where to find our King. 

The King that is now here within me. In my head, heart and cojones.”

Drew Hamilton


“I felt so seen and understood!”

“Trinitas was a seismic shift in my life. Bas led with unmatched prowess, creating a haven where every man felt seen and understood. Initially, I was consumed by fear, anxious that the curiosity of understanding my elusive masculinity would leave me feeling fragmented, alone, and lost. But from our first meeting, those fears melted away, replaced by an undeniable bond. I realized I wasn’t alone in my pursuit to unearth the strength and depth of my hidden masculinity. The men in this group provided a powerful, open, and safe space for healing and validation. While my journey isn’t over, I now stand tall, knowing my masculinity is a treasure, not a secret. This program, and the exceptional men I’ve met, have been my anchors. I’ve found brothers worldwide, and I’m certain they see me the same way.

Long live Trinitas and the King within that has been revealed!”

Phil Ellsworth


Your Questions

Q: Are there refunds?

There are no refunds. If you desire more information about the program to find out if it’s the right fit, please contact our team at us@thelovealchemists.com

Q: How long will I have access to the replays?

You will get the chance to download the videos to your computer and therefore keep them as long as you desire.

Q: Are women welcome too?

No, this is for brothers only (and for those who define as such.)

Q: Do you offer payment plans?

We do. Contact us via us@thelovealchemists.com or pm us on Instagram or Facebook.

More Words Of Participants

“Take the opportunity to work with Bas who will shepherd, guide, teach and love the shit out of you with depth of knowledge, experience, compassion and kindness.

“I initially discovered the profound work of Bas in the midst of a divine time in my life. A time of confusion, of searching for answers, a litany of failed relationships, in turmoil in my current one for my lack of skillset, understanding and fitness in relating. But at its core the question..

What is it to be a man?

And I didn’t know. I mean I knew performative. Hell on my worst days, toxic. Shaped by destructive societal norms, intergenerational emotional unavailability and childhood trauma along with a lack of healthy masculinity in my life historically. 

Combined with private session work and support, TRINITAS was an immersed transformative experience, breath taking for scope, life changing in outcome. 

I implore any and every man seeking more. More understanding. More love. More community. Choose yourself. Choose TRINITAS. Choose a space and incredible community that will nurture and nourish your deepest sensitivity and vulnerability. The opportunity to work with an epic human in Bas who will shepherd, guide, teach and love the shit out of you with depth of knowledge, experience, compassion and kindness. Delve and explore healthy masculinity in all it’s forms and intricacies. Share your rawest truth in safety and support.

Receive this gift.

I got to roar in my Warrior. Tenderly hold and be held in my Lover. Stand strong and unapologetic in truth in my benevolent King. Energetically connect my head, heart and balls. Ultimately to integrate and embody my healthy masculine in authenticity and full expression 

I humbly bow in gratitude to Bas and the men of Trinitas for this journey we share.”

Chad Odgen


From procrastination to full embodiment

“I’ve struggled with committing myself, procrastinating, self sabotage, and all the like. My initial reaction was to turn away from this thing that I knew on a deep level would challenge these ways of being and all of the stories and beliefs associated with them. What I didn’t realize was how many things I took for granted as being true about myself that would be turned upside down.

From our first meditation together I realized that this process was going to be big. I felt an immense and unwavering love, a man who knew and lived exactly who he was, a man who simultaneously loved me exactly as I was, and was calling me home to a life of greater purpose and authenticity.

As the weeks rolled on I was surprised again and again to find pieces of myself that I had shoved in a box as toxic, dangerous, or just not for me. Pieces that I began playing with and integrating, feeling the excitement and liberation of energy that comes with embracing a part of myself that had long been in exile. Tapping into these archetypal energies and aligning them with my head, heart, and balls, was like discovering I have the justice league or the avengers at my disposal at any time.

This toolkit alone would have been an invaluable addition to my life, but on top of that I also met an amazing group of men. Men who I genuinely respect, admire, and emulate. Men who will continue to be my friends and brothers long after the end of this program. Not least among them was our fearless leader, Bas. 

Bas has a beautiful way about him. A steady loving presence, a spaciousness to hold a container, to allow everyone to feel seen, supported, encouraged, and important. His beautiful heart right on his sleeve, not flaunting a false sense of enlightened perfection, but rather owning the beauty of his own imperfection. A man who knows the many faces of himself, makes space for them all, and offers through his example, the courage to live a life of your own that is wholly unique and inspired by deep purpose.

 I am finding that the spectrum of myself within still keeps on growing more each day, and I know it will be an awesome journey living all that I choose, with full permission to be me.”

Joshua Harrison Thomas


“The Total Package of being a man”

“TRINITAS is a container of love in which everything about being a man is welcome and can be explored without judgement.  From going flat on your face to flying high. It’s all welcomed so that all the pieces can integrate. We worked with archetypes in which both the dark and the light pieces are celebrated.

The total package of being a man.”

Job Tuerlings

The Netherlands

I have explored and honed my masculinity more in the last two months than
I have done in years

Thank you so much Bas, for being bold and brave enough to offer this work to men. You have created a powerful and safe container for us to share, cry, strengthen, and celebrate ourselves and each other.

I have explored and honed my masculinity more in the last two months than I have done in years. 

I highly, highly recommend TRINITAS to any man who wants to develop himself. Bas is able to use his wisdom and his personal experiences to profoundly relate to me and the other men and has shown me the beauty I had within (I could see it before, but his encouragement allowed me to fully embrace it.)

Thank you so much!!!!

Dhayle Boreham

United Kingdom

“So much value and quality

TRINITAS is a beautiful and incomparable setting yet.  What is unique is that everyone who participates is immediately completely there – and that this immediately creates a deepening brotherhood.  In a world full of absent fathers (you know “absent fathers – lost sons?”) that is exactly what is needed: a safe place supported by men – to seek foundation, authenticity, connection, warmth, love and authenticity, research, growth.


The sincere initiatives Bas takes and the setting he creates makes this safe container to explore our masculinity possible.

Tim De Vos-Doinkers

The Netherlands



Payment Plans Available

This link brings you to my Facebook Messenger inbox. Please write me shortly why you want to join Trinitas.

You can also send an email to bas@thelovealchemists.com