The Mystery School Of

The Sacred Masculine & Feminine With The

VIP Experience

The Mystery School Of The Sacred
Masculine & Feminine
with the VIP Experience

If you want to join the Mystery School, but you feel like you want to dive deeper than just the monthly meetings… this is for you!

The Inner Circle is designed for the BraveHearts, the Alchemists, The ones ready to dive deep.

If you want to go all-in, committed for a big Transformation and brave enough to alchemize everything standing in the way of your
true Soul’s calling –

the Inner Circle is made for you!

What is included in the Inner Circle?

⚜️ Monthly mentoring session with Bas and/or Priska (6 sessions)

{worth €3000}

⚜️ Personal WhatsApp Support for 6 moons

{worth €3000}

⚜️ Monthly Cellular Healing Session (6 personal healings with feedback/ insights, long distance)

{worth €2664}

⚜️ 2 Personal Messages from your Guides

{worth €444}

⚜️ Shamanic Journey to find your Totem (Animal-You) and to gain access to new resources within you (online group setting)

{worth €555}

⚜️ Access to 1 Program of Your Choice
(Awaken Your Inner Hero/Shero | Love By Design | Vortex Of Love)

{worth €444}

⚜️ 6 months within The Hieros Gamos Mystery School

{worth €528}

Everything will be designed and adapted to your individual needs.The Inner Circle has a worth of all in all € 10’635 –

but you can get it now for the incredible price of €5999.







For Joining  The Inner Circle With Private Support please apply here for a
discovery call:

Or write an Email to us{at}


have the support on Your Journey into the Mystery just a message away!

“Their Coaching Skills Are So Rare!”

Bas and Priska facilitated a breakthrough for me! In one of the most difficult times of my life, where I needed to find change and see the light of hope again, they worked with me and shared with me these AMAZING insights into how I needed to work, communicate (to the world and most importantly to myself), how I was hard-wired and how to leverage that to forge ahead.

The love and trust that they both bring at the core of their coaching are not only refreshing but rare! And I have done a LOT of coaching and programs in my lifetime.
To truly understand oneself and to learn to forgive is a gift in itself.
I can not thank Bas or Priska enough for crossing into my world at just the right time (clearly facilitated by the universe’s timing and not of my own,*another hard lesson I am learning, lol) and for allowing me the opportunity to work with them.
I will be forever grateful for the wisdom they shared with me and the coaching I received.
You both are truly a gift to this world!
Sam Johnson


“Working Privately With Priska And Bas was

the best decision for us!”

We share a very tumultuous and intense love story.

Things weren’t that easy for us initially, and we had to overcome many obstacles together. We felt that we desired support to get through those stormy waters, and that’s when we decided to work with Bas and Priska. Their support really helped us get smoother out on the other side, and we even got to celebrate our engagement together with them.

Stephanie and Brian Smith Rosario


Let’s Dive Into The Mystery Of Life Together!

© 2023 Bas & Priska Waijers |